All done


I’ve completed everything for work’s deadline tomorrow. Now it’s just down to a bit of testing, and seeing whether other people have managed to sort their shit out too. But mine’s done – as promised and expected. To say I’m happy about this would be an understatement – it’s a huge weight off my mind for the Festering Break.

Of course this is just version 1. On Jan 2 (or thereabouts) there’ll be v1.1 with some extra stuff I haven’t had time/inclination to do for this first major deadline. But all the stuff that was in the spec for v1 is done, dusted, and ready to go. But this is just the start of the process. There’s a long way to go yet.

bah humbugAlso I’m done with Festering Stuff. Everything’s wrapped and ready to go. I haven’t (so far as I’ve figured) forgotten anyone. I’m done.

We’re off to Norfolk tomorrow for the Christmas Period. Hound goes into kennels tomorrow, then we sod off. There’s posts in the wings waiting to be posted while we’re away, but I expect most people will be not reading them ’til Wednesday when everyone’s back.

But for now I’m going to sod off, walk Hound, then drink a couple of beers. It’s been a good – if busy – day/week, but fucking hell I’m glad I’m at the end of it…

2 Comments on “All done”

  1. Gordon says:

    Awww poor Hound.

  2. Lyle says:

    “Poor Hound” my arse. She’s off to kennels that she loves – it’s more “house and acres of land to run around in” than “boarded up in a hut”. She’s paranoid and anxious, and with 15 people around – plus four other dogs – she’d be stressed to buggery over Christmas if we took her with us. And so would we – she’s hard work, and we’d constantly stress about whether she was going to start herding people and generally being a pain in the arse.

    She gets to have a great four days where she won’t stop running around like a mad thing, we get four days of relative calm. Everyone wins.

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