Festive Good Food Show, Earl’s Court, London

I have to say, the show itself was pretty good. I don’t mind Earl’s Court as a venue either, although they do seem to have a certain lack of insight about human psychology and behaviour, and thus put all the stands doing demos/tastings as close together as possible. People then congregate around them, and block the walkways for anyone else.

If I were an exhibitor at the show, this would piss me off quite considerably – I suspect I’m not the only one who simply didn’t bother trying some of the stuff on the stands because they were so crowded it just wasn’t worth the hassle. If you’re exhibiting/demonstrating your products, you want as many people as possible to see/try them, not to have them give up because they can’t get in.

Other than that, though, it was good. I think we probably OD’d on cheese – there was some truly fantastic stuff there – as well as bought enough to keep us going through the Festering Season.

One other thing that I found surprising is that there was hardly any mention at all of vegetarian stuff. Yeah, sure, there were a couple of places selling seeds etc. (Munchy Seeds etc.) but no specialist stands for veggie food at all. Maybe there’s a gap in the market after all…

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