Posted: Tue 29 November, 2005 Filed under: Thoughts 5 Comments »So I see that today the Vatican renewed it’s ban on gay priests. Of course, paedophilic ones are OK, so long as they’re not gay.
Frankly, what the shit does it matter whether a priest is gay or not? It’s hardly like they’re going to go out persuading the congregation to go gay, is it? I swear that the Catholic Church has done more than any other organisation in history to spread bigotry and viciousness throughout the world. Yes, it’s a personal viewpoint, but it’s one I stick to.
And besides, what happened to that bit of holy writ about “Love thy fellow man”?
I think the trick is to love thy fellow man, just not *lurve* thy fellow man 🙂
A friend of mine pointed out that every priest he’d ever slept with was gay.
Ban priests!
but they’re saying it’s okay to be hetero, even though they also specifically ban heteros from shagging. Stupid mind fuck.
Maybe they should allow women, because, after all, you don’t get gay women.
Seriously though, what do you expect considering this pope’s history and ‘conservative’ attitude?
On the up side, this Friday sees a shovelling under the carpet of the teachings about Limbo.