
Currently, we’re just about recovered from the utterly manic last week or so.

Obviously, this time last week we were on our way back from Somerset. Since then, we spent Tuesday night grouting the new tiles in the kitchen and Wednesday night in London at the Tracy Chapman concert.

For Thursday and Friday nights, Herself was cooking/baking like a mad thing for the charity stall we were doing on Saturday, and I was working on some website ideas etc. (And, mainly, getting them wrong, which then engendered lots more work in order to a) fix the problem and b) get it to do what I wanted)

Saturday was the day of the charity fair, which did end up going pretty well. It wasn’t as busy as we’d have liked, but we still raised about £50. We’d have done far more if I hadn’t made a complete balls-up of ordering polystyrene beads for the lucky dip (far easier than using shredded paper etc., we’ve discovered) and getting the tiny polystryrene balls that’re ideal for bean-bags, and bog-all use for lucky dips. The sodding things went everywhere – and that was before we started putting them in the lucky-dip bin.

The geniuses (genii?) who’d sent them to us had wrapped them in a skimpy plastic bag, and by the time it got to us the bag had several tears and/or holes in it. So, of course, the bloody balls went everywhere. We used packing tape to cover the holes, but all the same, it was most emphatically not fun. And of course having been in plastic, they were seriously charged with static ‘leccy too, which meant they faffed about like they were made from quicksilver. Utterly nightmarish.

Anyway, the Charity Fair went OK, although I seemed to spend more time organising other stuff and running errands etc. than actually working on the stall. Still, that’s OK with me in general, although I was fair knackered in the end having gone up and down the stairs countless times. Then Saturday evening we saw my parents, and had a meal with them, eventually getting home at about 11pm.

Yesterday was kind of recovery, spent doing Not Much At All, although we still managed to get the house tidied up, and cleared away down to the tip with a buttload of rubbish, discarded old kitchen worktops, a manky futon mattress, and the like.

So yes, hopefully this week will be a bit calmer.

Although we’re still organising a quiz night for the same charity, which is going to be this Saturday. So it’s not going to be much calmer, really – other than a lack of baking!

One Comment on “Manic”

  1. Tones says:

    Any chance you could post the quiz questions or email them..
    We have a sunday night quiz down the local and more quiz Q’s would be ideal..

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