Measure Map

Currently I’m experimenting with a new web stats package on d4d™ While I’m still keeping Nedstat WebStats4U, some people have noted that it can cause pop-up problems. (To my knowledge they haven’t yet hit me with that issue, but I’m waiting…)

Anyway, the new tool is still in alpha development (i.e. “Don’t hold your breath”) and I’ve been lucky enough to be able to be a tester for it. It’s called MeasureMap, which currently seems a bit of an odd name – then again, I should think “Amazon” for a book-seller was originally deemed to be a bit of an odd name too…

While it’s demanded slightly more work in putting everything in place – a whole three cut-and-paste jobs instead of the standard one – it makes for interesting reading, and appears to be slightly more accurate than the other stuff, in that it ignores repeat visits from the same IP address. So it’s recording unique visitors instead of actual hits – both of which can be useful. It’d be nice to have both coming from the same package, but maybe that’s still in development somewhere along the line. We’ll see.

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