Wallace and Gromit – Again

Yesterday I drove over to the Parent’s place, and took them to see Wallace & Gromit – Curse of the Were-Rabbit. I’d already seen it once, and loved it, so had no problem seeing it again.

As it is, I’d sent them a message when we’d seen it, telling them that they really should go. However, I know my parents, and while they’re normally horrifically busy, it’s still somehow a struggle to get them to go and see stuff at the cinema or whatever. Strange, but true. So I gave them a couple of week’s grace, then ended up just getting it organised for a free afternoon, driving over to their place, and dragging them to the cinema.

Ye Gods, Aylesbury is still an ungodly cackhole. It’s never been on my list of favourite places – although it’s frequently been seen on the list of “places to avoid at all costs, and reject any jobs that happen to be in the vicinity”. Yeah, sure, it’s been redeveloped over the last few years, but that just moves it from “irredeemable shithole” to “redeveloped, but still a shithole”.

Actually, though, the time around Halloween is probably the best time to visit the place. This way the vacant stares, shambling walk, and slight drool from the mouths of the inhabitants just seems topical, and you can (almost) write it off as bad make-up. If George A Romero ever wanted to remake “Town of the Dead”, Aylesbury would be the venue of choice.

As for the film, it’s just as good on a second viewing, and the parents loved it.

Then we made our escape.

However, on the way out it did strike me that it was somewhat ironic. Most adults there were taking their children to see the film. However, I was the child taking my parents to see it. And thus goes the process of *ahem* “growing up”.

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