
I don’t know quite what’s caused it, but at the moment Psycho Cat and Hound seem to be at war. It kicked off over the weekend, while we were out. I think that Hound had been trying to sleep on the same bed as Psycho Cat, or had been annoying him in some way, but I don’t honestly know.

Anyway, Sunday evening Psycho Cat stalked into the room where Hound was wandering out about, walked up to her and slashed across the back of Hound’s legs. Vicious little git. Hound was obviously unimpressed by this, and barked at Psycho Cat. And that was the end of it.

Until 3am. Again, neither of us knows what happened exactly, as we were both asleep, but all we heard was Psycho Cat hissing, then a yelp and a bark from Hound, who then jumped on the bed. And by the time we’d got her off the bed and downstairs, Cat was fast asleep on the bed, looking smug. I suspect that Hound had been sleeping in the doorway, and the Cat wanted IN to sleep on the bed. And of course rather than stepping round Hound, or anything simple, the psychotic little twat belted Hound.

Monday night was quiet – a state of truce existed…

This morning (we’re talking 5.30am) that truce apparently died. I’m not sure what got into Psycho Cat, but he was bouncing off the walls, scratching carpets, jumping around, the lot. Normally this means his food’s not down (or not in the right place – I kid ye not) so I got up, sorted that out, and went back to bed. That didn’t stop Psycho Cat though, who kept on bouncing round the place. All went quiet, and then Hound started barking.

I suspect that Cat got bored, went downstairs to where Hound was sleeping at the bottom of the stairs, whacked her again, then stalked out the back door. Probably stopping just outside the cat-flap so that Hound could see him. That’s about the norm.

Hopefully at some point peace will again reign. In the meantime, I suspect at least a couple more disturbed nights will be heading our way…

6 Comments on “Conflict”

  1. jollydodger says:

    I don’t care about your pets.

  2. Lyle says:

    Did I ask you to, fucktard?

  3. Gordon says:


    I think I prefer your method to the more obvious “DELETE” method I use for asswipe comments.

    Anyhoo.. a somewhat related question – what’s with the “registered trademark”?

    And ON a related note: cats and dogs are like children, they go through stages and it looks like you’re approaching the “Tom and Jerry” stage.. such fun… 😉

  4. Damo says:

    I prefer stern words to the dog – the cat just doesn’t listen. Cats are cool that way.

  5. Lyle says:

    The ® stuff is just my own thing, like the ™ on d4d™ It does get a bit annoying though – time to edit the post, methinks…

  6. jane says:

    Cats generally do just do what they like and sod everyone else. We now have eight and both Boyfriend and I have been firmly put in our places at the bottom of the household pecking order. The one thing that stops them in their tracks, however, is the pot noodle horn we won – even the threat of a loud parp on that will send them diving for cover…

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