One Born Every Minute
Posted: Tue 6 September, 2005 Filed under: 1BEM, Thoughts, Weirdness 2 Comments »Again, a title that may end up becoming a category – in fact, in this case I think it’s a certainty.
The latest piece of Barnumism is this – a “businessman” who bottles “Welsh air” for expats to breathe and (supposedly) go back to their homeland for a while. For the princely sum of – are you sitting down? – £24 per bottle.
How fucking brilliant is that? And if there are people who’ll go for this sort of crap, I’ve a lovely bridge I can sell ’em…
Have you ever noticed how, if you go anywahere, the wElsh have to bring out their flag and blow-up daffodils and go on about being, Welsh. I feel like saying “If Wales is bloody marvellous, I’ll escort you to Paddington Station.”
I am of the opinion that the Welsh are living proof that the Vikings actually did S****g sheep !