Forward Planning
Posted: Thu 25 August, 2005 Filed under: Music Leave a comment »There are days where I can be almost worryingly organised. Fortunately, they are few and far between.
Today, though, I’ve actually booked us tickets for the V festival. In 2006. Yes, tickets for a festival in a years time. How’s that for organised? In fairness it’s mainly because a) they’re selling them at ’05 prices instead of ’06, and b) because I’ll never remember in time when they go back on sale next June/July and sell out in three hours.
Of course, it could also turn out that the line-up next year is utter crap – but that’s the chances you take. Besides, I’m sure there’ll be more than enough there to keep us amused.
But all the same, dear christ, it amounts to being worryingly organised.