Posted: Mon 15 August, 2005 Filed under: General, Thoughts, Weirdness 2 Comments »The weekend in Manchester was actually really good, despite the weather taking on a rather soggy turn on Saturday.
One place we went that I hadn’t previously visited was the food hall in Selfridges, which was definitely worthwhile. (and resulted in the purchase of some fantastic cheeses. I could’ve spent far more than I did, but decided to be good, for once) However, there was one small section that was just manky – which was the part run by Edible.
Edible specialise in foodstuffs that most people would go “yuck” at. Giant Ants, Snake Vodka, Thai Green Crocodile Curry, that kind of thing. Fair enough, I don’t mind the ants per se, and several other things – but really, coffee beens that’ve been passed through an animal already? I’ll pass, cheers. (pardon the pun) As for Hornet Honey, again, I just don’t see the attraction.
Maybe I’m getting boring in my old age, but while there’s a certain gross-out factor in Edible’s stuff, I really don’t like the attitude that goes with it.
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