
Proof – if it were needed – of the fact I think Herself is important can be seen in the fact that last night I ended up developing a basic database for her work, in order to keep track of various aspects of the work with her patients/clients. (I always hate using the word “clients” – it just makes me think she sounds like a hooker)

The place she works prefers to do it all on paper – Christ only knows why, but they do – and it becomes a real slog to sort out when a client started with them, who deals with them, all that kind of thing.

Anyway, because it’s going to need to be done within their existing framework and software/programs, I wasn’t able to sort all this stuff out with MySQL the way I’d have preferred, and so instead I’ve had to use – and this is the part where any decent techie shudders – MS Access.

I’m not sure it’s the most romantic thing in the world, but to a techie it’d make sense “I love you enough that I’ll use Access”.

2 Comments on “Sacrifice”

  1. bsag says:

    😀 The things we do for love, eh?

  2. Chris says:

    I always hate using the word “clientsâ€? – it just makes me think she sounds like a hooker

    Well, it sounds worse when I talk about my girlfriend’s class. It makes me sound like a paedophile.

    She’s a teacher, alright?

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