No shit

Hallelujah, for the tide may be about to turn. Research is showing that people who download music buy more music. Personally I’ve always thought this was the case – I use online music in a similar way to how we used to use cassettes from friends etc. – it’s a chance to hear some new stuff, and then if you like it, buy the album.

According to this report, people who download music spend four and a half times as much on music as those who don’t download any. I’m sure that the record industry will say “yes, but that’s not the point” and come up with some half-arsed defence, but maybe – just maybe – there’s a chance that they’ll start seeing sense now.

Mind you, I wouldn’t hold my breath hoping for that to happen.

One Comment on “No shit”

  1. Skytower says:

    I haven’t come across anything worth buying for a long time. Invariably, the only CD’s I’m buying are bargain-bin albums from about 10, 15 years back, costing about 4 or 5 quid.

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