
Why is it that so many people are utterly shit at doing more than one thing at once?

Example : Walking out of a shop, their brain triggers on “Oh, it’s bright outside, I’d best find my sunglasses”. Slam. Stop. Right in the fucking doorway, so no-one else can get past while they ferret through their bags to find the bloody sunglasses. Outside the door is still in shade from the portico design, so they could wait 5 seconds, get out of the fucking way, and then find the sodding things, but oh no, way too much like common sense.

Example : Walking in a busy street, they hear the “dee-dee-dee deeee-deeee dee-dee-dee” of their phone telling them they’ve a text message. Slam. Stop. Got to look at the message right a-fucking-way, because it might be important, someone might’ve died, you never know. Oh no, it’s my mate wanting to know if I’m nearly there yet. Rather than walking the hundred yards to tell ’em, they’ll stand here like a lemon, blocking the path to other people, while they attempt (yet again) to master T9 predictive text.

Example : Talking on a mobile while driving can quadruple the risk of accidents – as well as being illegal, and leaving you open to a fine etc.

So – why can’t most people multitask?

4 Comments on “Multi-tasking”

  1. Gert says:

    Do you see any significant gender differences?

  2. steve says:

    Nobody can multi task – some people just think that they can. The main problem is that the people who stop dead in your tracks to answer their phone can’t prioritise.

  3. People with shopping trolleys, if they drove like they pushed trolleys the roads would be an endless bloodbath.

  4. Chris says:

    Talking on a mobile also quadruples the chance of you not noticing the guy on the bike (say, me, for example) who is turning right in the oncoming lane thus leading to much squealing of brakes and angry gesticulating. Manchester drivers are all fucking useless.

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