In my day…

OK, now here’s a question, brought on by far too much people-watching out of the office windows. And cue Victor Meldrew-esque bleating tone if it makes you any happier – on this one, I’m sure that I’m just an uncomprehending old fart who’s not “up to date”. Now, consider, do I look like someone who could care less?

Anyway. What is it at the moment with people (mainly young lads, god help us all) wearing jeans that are apparently supposed to only cover half the arse, leaving square acres of (sometimes manky/crusty) boxer-short hanging over the top of the waistband?

It can’t be comfortable, and in fact most of the people wearing this *cough* “style” seem to be permanently on the verge of losing their trousers altogether, which kind of negates the concept of it being some kind of functional thing. It does go a long way towards illustrating, though, that young lads are a) slightly bizarre, and b) apparently have no arse whatsoever.

But what’s the point of it?

One Comment on “In my day…”

  1. hellcat says:

    I suppose you ask the same of us when we were mere children, for example, turnup jeans,
    grolsh bottle tops on shoes, need i say more? I think the most disgusting
    thing at the mo are girls who wear little mini skirts, shoes with no heals and
    leg warmers pulled up and covering the show, blurr.

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