Posted: Wed 29 June, 2005 Filed under: Sweary, Thoughts 2 Comments »I’ve just had a spammish email (I forgot to click the “forget I exist, and never email me again, you fuckers” button once when I ordered from them) from Interflora today, telling me that Wednesday July 6th is “National Kissing Day”.
What a load of old bollocks. It’s just another “Day” created by Interflora/ Clintons/ Hallmark in order to sell more shit to gullible punters. Not that I’m cunical cynical or owt, but really, National Kissing Day? Do me a favour, pull the other one, it’s got bells on.
Awwwww cmere an gis a kiss you grumpy git :p
No, it wouldn’t do to be cunical…