First Week

Well, all’s going nicely so far at the new job. I’ve managed to make a fair bit of progress, although there’s still some confusion about what actually needs doing first. But there we go, that’s nothing unusual.

In the meantime I’ve :

  • set up the new PC – which is a storming bit of kit
  • set up air-con units and the like
  • downloaded and installed the Apache webserver, PHP, and MySQL, and got them all working smoothly
  • sorted out a demo site, and plundered all the existing website’s code so I can start altering it all
  • looked at three or four different design ideas, as part of the brief may well end up being to sort out the site in an accessible version that still looks good (at the moment it’s very “designed”)
  • completed all the relevant paperwork etc. for starting a new job
  • figured out an awful lot of how they’re currently doing stuff
  • and

  • thoroughly enjoyed all of ity

Not bad for a first week, really. Particularly when it was only four days in the first place!

One Comment on “First Week”

  1. Andy says:

    Sounds positive Buddy! It’s my first day tomorrow, hope that I’m gonna be happy too.

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