In the theme of Pix…

I remember…

  • When d4d™ was just an idea.
  • Getting introduced to blogs, and wondering what the attraction was
  • Thinking about finding an audience for my writing
  • Discovering the attraction
  • Seeing the first visits from other people
  • Wondering what they saw here
  • The first Google referral
  • The rants
  • The first time I realised that some freak had distributed a link to a photo of a friends child (goodbye google images on my photo pages)
  • The litigation email from J W Wiley
  • The way so many people changed their sites to yellow in support
  • Changing domain names, and wondering if it meant I had to start from scratch
  • Realising it didn’t
  • Moving homes, changing life parts at the same time I was changing d4d™ parts.
  • The way d4d™ has moved along in parallel with how I’ve moved on
  • Taking the big leap from Blogger to WordPress
  • Upgrading WordPress, and the feeling as d4d™ disappeared into the standard WP template, for no reason I could understand
  • Getting it back. Cunting upgrades with no instructions.
  • Wondering where we go from here

And as Pix says, I can’t easily explain why I love writing d4d™, even after nearly three solid years. DG posted yesterday on his 1,000th day of blogging, and I’ve realised I must be somewhere close to that myself. If not just past it – turns out DG started one month after I did. Now that’s scary.

What I do know is that I’m going to keep on writing d4d™ for the forseeable future. There’s a few more ideas I’ve got for new stuff/sections, but also there’s a lot of changes still due to be gone through. And while I do write this for other people to read, I also use it to set my own thoughts straight, and figure out what I’m doing.

So here’s to another 1,000+ days, and many more posts.

3 Comments on “In the theme of Pix…”

  1. Congratulations on exceeding 1000 days.

    And I quite agree that the most important audience for a blog is oneself, for setting one’s thoughts straight, and that entertaining everybody else only comes second. But a close second.

  2. Skytower says:

    Indeed – it’s a good way (for me) of emptying the crap that accumulates in my head, and would once only mumble under my breath about.

    Keep it up anyway. It’s pretty much become the first job of the day – catching up on everyone else’s life!

  3. Gordon says:

    Nice write up.

    But will you please get off the WP thing, the docs are ace now and all amalgamated under the Codex (I’ve been monitoring the docs mailing list for months and they’ve done some really good stuff).

    Come over to mine, be positive! 😉

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