The Resignation Letter – Initial Thoughts

Claire asks whether I’m going to publish my resignation letter.

To be honest, I haven’t yet decided. It’s not as abusive or condemnatory as I could perhaps have made it – but it has covered all my issues with the company. And the words “Twunty Manager”™ and “personality of a syphilitic ball-sack” have not been used. I was very good.

The problem with publishing the letter is that it makes things a lot more identifiable, which isn’t necessarily a good thing. So far I’ve been able to keep CrapCo’s name out of it, and away from d4d™, and I’d like to keep the situation like that. There’s just a chance that if I published the full letter, that could change – it’d be too late for CrapCo to do much about it, but all the same, I’d like to avoid it if poss.

I still might do bits of it, or something. I’ll think more on the subject tonight, and over the weekend.

One Comment on “The Resignation Letter – Initial Thoughts”

  1. Gordon says:

    Wait a month or two, then publish it (set a post in WordPress!).

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