Ad Watchdog
Posted: Wed 1 June, 2005 Filed under: General, Thoughts Leave a comment »God, sometimes you’ve just got to wonder at the ASA (Advertising Standards Authority). They’ve just ruled that the KFC “singing with a full mouth” advert didn’t break any guidelines despite a record 1,600 complaints about it.
There doesn’t seem to be any real consistency in their rulings. Earlier this year, the ad with Ainsley Harriott kissing a stove (ah, if only it’d been on) because it could influence children to do the same, yet they say the KFC one won’t encourage them to talk with mouths full of food. Slightly contradictory, but there we go.
I notice that now there’s one for Fanta “light” (or whatever they’ve now rebranded it to) that involves spitting out the drink. I wonder how many complaints that one’ll get?