
About a fortnight ago, I went for an interview with a company that I really want to work for. I can’t say a great deal about them so far, because it’s all under heavy levels of NDA (Non-Disclosure Agreement) and so on for the moment. In the meantime, I’ve stayed in touch with the agency through which I got the interview, and so far things have stayed sounding pretty positive, although the company had a couple of queries that needed answering.

In a fit of pro-active oomph – coupled with a mild desire to move the fuck on from where I’m currently at – I’ve just sent an email to the CEO (hey, he gave me his card and email address, and said to “get in touch anytime”) answering their queries, and reiterating that I really do want this particular job.

Only now I’m sitting thinking “was that the right thing to do? Or will it fuck up my chances completely?”. Gah, I hate paranoia and self-doubt.

Fingers crossed that it was the right thing to do…

4 Comments on “Proactive”

  1. Gordon says:

    Hey, why not? One great tip I was told, which I’ve rarely seen (and I’ve been the interviewER often enough) is to tell the people, at the end of the interview, that you are definitely interested.

    It shows commitment and desire on your behalf, always a good trait in a potential employee

  2. jane says:

    Our new(ish) Chief Exec is very hands on and if we have something to say to him he likes us to get in touch with him directly rather than going through three other layers of management. This guy could be the same – and either way I doubt you have done your chances any harm at all. At least with your e-mail you have both answered the queries and he knows that you are still keen, and I’m sure you weren’t exactly gushing mercilessly or begging for the job! Good luck!!

  3. anni says:

    Absolutely the right thing to do. When I didn’t hear anything for a while following on from my interviews for my job in America, I emailed the VP, just asking a few questions about the job. I got a job offer within a couple of days of that.

    If he gave you his card, and said to contact him, then why not?

  4. Rob says:

    I think contacting him was a good idea. It’s smart to keep yourself on their mind after the interview.

    Good luck!

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