
As Jane comments in the post below, yes, another leaving card.

In the five months since I joined the company, half the IT team has changed. In that time, three more people have joined the IT team, and one has returned having left 18 months ago. So that’s at least a 50% change rate. Quite impressive.

In the rest of the company of 60 people, I can think of at least eight people who’ve left in that five months. (or will have left by the end of the week/month) That’s quite a turnover of people by anyone’s standards. A good third of those people have left with no new job to go to – they just needed to leave their current situation. And that’s a philosophy I’m understanding more and more.

I don’t know where my plans will take me yet, but I’m at least 90% sure that one thing they don’t include is this company. I knew that already, but looking at the change rates within the company just makes it even more certain. I do wonder how long it’ll be before the directors take a similar look at their company, and wonder just why it’s haemorraging staff in such a way.

2 Comments on “Churn”

  1. Gordon says:

    Our place is the same. But we keep selling products so they seem oblivious to the churn and it’s effect on morale.

  2. jane says:

    The company that I worked for before my current one was also the same and they were totally oblivious to it. In they end they made loads of us redundant and folded anyway.

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