
Well, I’ve now been with the company four months, and today is the day of my three month assessment, also known as a PE. So far as I can tell, this stands for “Personal Assessement”. Twunty Manager strikes again.

It’ll be interesting to see how it all goes. However, if I’m asked what I think of the company / team, I may just have to be honest. Which may (or may not) be a good thing. The assessment is with Twunty himself, which also may (or may not) be a good thing.

So far it’s moved three times. It was supposed to be at 9.30, then at 10.30, and it’s now due at 1pm. Still, what’s a days worth of fucking about when it’s already five weeks late?

One Comment on “Assessment”

  1. Gordon says:

    In a long ago management training course, the one thing that stuck in my head was “when conducting personal appraisals of your staff, set a time and date and NEVER CHANGE them”. Makes sense, after all we all like to at least FEEL like we are a little bit important.

    hope it goes well.. or as you intend at least! 😉

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