Frustration – Finalé

Well, according to my nedstat page of referrers the script I put in place yesterday to block google’s image search is working nicely, and the count of referrals from that page is coming down slowly. It should be completely off the list by tomorrow, with luck.

I’m still debating whether I do a nice page saying “you’re looking at this from Google, which I’ve blocked. Now fuck off” or just to leave it as a 404 “Page not found”. The 404 error takes up a whole load less bandwidth, that’s for sure. So hmm, not certain yet.

As it is, I’m almost certainly going to get caned a bit on bandwidth again this month, as I’m already at 2Gb of my allocated 3Gb, so the odds are that I’ll go over. After all, there’s still three weeks of the month to go yet. I’m going to keep an eye on what else is referring to d4d™ and see if there’s anything else that needs blocking still. Now I’m happy with how the script is working (oh, and the reason it wasn’t working was because PHP spells referrer differently to how it should be spelt, and I tend to hand-write my code rather than using a muppets guide… Arsenuggets.) I can block out some other things if they’re pissing me off with how much bandwidth they’re hogging. But I think that removing Google’s image search is going to be the biggest saver going.

UPDATED : Yay, it’s now all gone from the referrers. To coin a phrase, “I love it when a plan comes together”.

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