Posted: Wed 4 May, 2005 | Author: Lyle | Filed under: Sweary, Thoughts, Work-related |1 Comment »No, not me.
In the office move, it was decided by Twunty Manager™ that we needed a redundant ADSL connection for when/if our leased line fell over for any reason. That means that when the normal connection disappears, we should immediately go over to the ADSL connection, thus maintaining our connection to the outside world – kind of useful, as all our phones in the office work off VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol – i.e. if we’ve no internet connection, we’ve no phones. This is relevant, pay attention at the back) as well as all the obvious email and internet connection relevance.
However, in the interests of this kind of redundancy, it’s always best to not have both phone lines provided by – and connected into – the same company’s network. Because when that company has a power outage (for example – can’t think why that one occurs to me today. Oh yeah, because that’s what happened) it means that you lose both your connections at once. And then can’t fucking phone the company to tell them they’ve fucked up and/or to enquire when the connection will be back.
Fucking twat.
How can you come up with the idea to have a second (backup) line and not realise it should be with a different carrier?
*sniggers a bit harder*