Bandwidth Arse
Posted: Wed 20 April, 2005 Filed under: D4D™, Geeky 2 Comments »Fucketty Bugger.
I thought a while back that I’d reduced the number of posts on the front page, in a bid to chop down the bandwidth a bit. Well, fucking oops, I’d forgotten that I’d installed the Custom Posts Per Page plug-in, which meant it was over-riding the change I’d made in the options. Arsenuggets.
Anyway, I’ve changed that now – hopefully I’ll see an effect on next month’s bandwidth.
Are your pages compressed by the server before it sends them out? If not, see Scriptygoddess for details of how to do this, it could reduce your bandwidth by quite a significant amount.
Yep, they’re gzipped anyway. Most of the increased bandwidth seemed to be from being in the Top 10 UK Blogs a lot over the last six to eight weeks, and having a heavy amount of content on the “random” page. That’s been reduced now, so we’ll see how it goes.
Not that I mind, particularly – the extra bandwidth charges will only come to about a fiver anyway…