To Do

I don’t deny it – my organisational skills are, on occasion, somewhat lacking. If I’m not motivated to do something then it takes an age to get done. Of course, finding motivation for things can sometimes be a problem on its own. But that’s life.

Last week, we decided to get a white-board and write up to-do lists on it. More as a self-inflicted nag, rather than asking the other to keep on saying about it ’til it gets done.

Oddly, this doesn’t seem to be necessary for general domestic stuff – that all gets done no problem anyway. But it’s the “work” stuff that we both currently seem to be utterly demotivated on. I don’t know why – it’s still satisfying once it’s done, but getting there is a bit of a struggle. Mainly, I suspect, it’s because the time we had being single (or even when I was ‘just’ coming up on weekends) gave us a lot more opportunity to stay busy by doing “work” stuff at home and so on. By this I don’t necessarily mean “work from our day jobs that we bring home because we’ve nowt better to do”, but more “stuff that isn’t domestic, but isn’t our day jobs either”.

Anyway, the to-do list idea is a winner. Out of the stuff on there, I got four items out of the way over the weekend. Not bad going!

5 Comments on “To Do”

  1. Gordon says:

    We have the same and have long since accepted the fact that these things will just get done “eventually”. I do keep a list but we tend to get stuff done in spurts, several items over one weekend then nothing for months.

    But then we’ve alwayws got better things to do… reading books… going for walks… that kind of thing.

  2. Lyle says:

    Indeed, it’s much the same here. Although I would possibly have advised a different phrase to “we get things done in spurts”, but that’s probably because I have a vile mind…

  3. Gert says:

    We have a *great* system for remembering things – eg, “must do that thing on the internet” when halfway to being sozzled on a Saturday night; “must buy household item at approx £100” at 7pm on a Sunday night; “must phone X” when out of the country.

    It doesn’t work…

  4. Gordon says:

    Well that’s married life for you…

    Sex is on the to-do list in case we forget about it.. 😉

  5. sarah says:

    When I was dating the German, and generally unemployed, aimless and useless, she made a point of writing me a to-do list every morning while she was at work. Honestly, to-do lists are the best thing ever, I just can’t write them for myself!

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