
Bugger. After less than a week, the display on my new phone has a scratch on it.

Entirely my own fault – I have a nasty habit of just shoving my phone in a trouser pocket, along with keys, change, whatever. Of course, this does mean there’s a tendency for metal to interact with glass phone display in a way that’s not complimentary to the phone.

So, in a fit of protective glory, I’ve bought a case for the phone. I normally don’t bother, but well, the display’s kind of useful on the phone, and I’ve got it for another 11 months or so, so I’d best take a bit of care of it.

One Comment on “Display”

  1. anni says:

    I did that within days of getting my new phone – after having the other one for 18 months and no bother! I think they are making them flimsier (if that’s a real word) nowadays.

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