
It being Herself’s birthday next week, I’d sorted out what was (for her) a stonking present, one she’d said about but didn’t know I’d get. It was meant to be a surprise – upgrading her account to a nice shiny Sky+ box and multiroom Sky. (which does mean we’d have two PVRs in the house, Sky+ and my good old TiVo– sad, techie, geeky, and rather fun)

I say it WAS meant to be a surprise, because despite asking Sky to send all documentation for it to me, they’ve gone and been utter twunts, and sent it all to her instead.

The cunts.

So – one surprise professionally buggered, there’s just two more to go now. And a week in which companies can bugger them. The odds aren’t looking good…

2 Comments on “Bugger”

  1. Marie says:

    I sympathise with you – what utter prats! Though friends who are prats at times like this make me think “Murder” as well. I organised a special surprise party for my husband’s birthday. Despite telling them it was a surprise and asking that they RSVP to MY mobile number or email address, at least 5 of the guests rang HIM to accept an invite to a party he was meant to know nothing about.

  2. MrTeacher says:

    Have you let her know that it was to have been for her bday, or just played it off as a favour?

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