Weight Loss
Posted: Sat 26 March, 2005 Filed under: Health, Resolutions, Thoughts 3 Comments »One of my semi-resolutions that didn’t really get listed was the intention to lose some weight. At the start of this year I was at 21 stone (133Kg, for the metric among us) which really was too much, even for my height/frame.
So we started off on the weight-loss plan, aided and abetted by WeightWatchers, and a plan to go to the gym more. The gym’s happening, and I’m getting back into enjoying going, and there’s also the plan to buy a bike, although I’ve been whittling on about that one for a while now, so don’t hold your breath.
However, the weight hasn’t really come off the way I expected it to. Yeah, I’ve lost a stone, but that’s not really a lot, all things considered, for three month’s work. I’d wanted to lose more than that in this time. Don’t get me wrong, my body shape has changed, and I’ve lost an amount of fat, but the weight hasn’t changed as much as I’d expected hoped. I suspect that some of it has changed to muscle – which, in true Sod’s Law style, weighs more than fat, of course – or maybe I’ve just redistributed my lard a bit.
I’m not going to give up though – I still want to lose more, and there’s a few more ways I can think of to do it, but we’ll just have to see how it all works out, I suppose.
Check out http://www.weightlossresources.co.uk it’s pretty good so I’m told by those who use it.
Harks back to Jasper Carrott sketch on why people are fat…..sigh!
Cycling is great, mate. Much better than spinning. Buy the bike.