Tempting Fate

Following on from yesterday’s Customer Services farce(s) – and let’s face it, Sky are renowned for putting the arse in farce – I’ve really gone and done it now.

In a bid for “three-for-three” purity of failure, I’ve only gone and upgraded my phone with O2 from the Nokia I currently use to a Sony Ericsson K700i. Supposedly I may get the phone during the next week. Mind you, they also said they’d confirm this through email, and as yet they haven’t. So I’m not optimistic.

More pleasingly, considering the last time I had to deal with O2’s upgrade “service”, it’s costing me sod-all.

I must admit that when it comes to mobile phones I’m back to being a bit of a dinosaur. In 2004 I had a 3G phone for a while and won’t touch another one ’til the entire concept has been sorted out. Which, apparently, is still going to take some time. I don’t need video calling, I don’t particularly care about having a 1.3Mp camera (in my experience camera phones are still fairly bobbins, and as I always carry around my 6Mp camera anyway, I don’t need another one), and I don’t really need to sync the phone to the PC all the time. In short, I want a phone that makes and takes calls/messages, has a silent alert and/or a decent unobtrusive ring tone, has a decent battery life, has a GPRS (or better) connection so I can do basic webstuff, and doesn’t piss me off. As for other stuff, it all falls into the “OK, I might use it” – calculator, clock, email (sometimes handy, in my experience, particularly when running late for work or whatever), and an alarm function for reminders. But I wouldn’t miss any of those if they weren’t there.

So yeah, an SE K700i. It’s going to be interesting, swapping over to yet another phone maker. Assuming it happens, of course…

One Comment on “Tempting Fate”

  1. Andy says:

    I still have a nokia 3410? sommat likethat, u can get basic internet on it but i cant be arsed, its for text and calls and its pay as u go so i can easily control the amount i spend. Stuuuuuuuuuudeeeeeeeeent

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