T-Mobile – A response of sorts
Posted: Fri 18 March, 2005 | Author: Lyle | Filed under: Customer Services, Thoughts, Work-related |1 Comment »Dear Lyle
Thank you for your email about Business Rates.
I tried to contact you today and I am really sorry that I was unable to speak to you, as I wish to assist you with your query.
I am sorry to hear that you are being harassed by incoming Business sales calls.
I have spoke to our Business Account Department who assure me they have no record of your mobile phone number or other contract numbers.
You may be having calls from Independent Retailers or the Retailer who supplied your original phone.
I trust you will find the above information useful.
If you require further help, please contact us via our website at http://www.t-mobile.co.uk
Customer Services
Stonkingly wrong – even by the standards of mobile phone companies.
In the name of fairness (and a certain warped amusement) I’ve replied…
Dear Keith,
I’m not enquiring about Business Rates, I’m trying to find out why the incompetents who represent T-Mobile keep ringing me, and also who sold T-Mobile the mailing list with my name on it.
This matter is heading towards becoming a Data Protection Act issue, as I have never given my permission for this number to be used, and it’s listed with the Telephone Preference Service for the same reason.
I hope you’ll understand that I have a large problem believing that your Business Account Department hasn’t heard of me at all. Every one of the calls has been “on behalf of T-Mobile”. I don’t honestly care whether it’s T-Mobile itself (and in at least half the cases, the caller has been T-Mobile Direct, whoever they may be) because all of this harassment is being done in the name of T-Mobile, and at it’s behest. What I want is to be removed from all T-Mobile’s mailing/calling lists, which is a request made in accordance with the Data Protection Act.
I also now require written confirmation from T-Mobile that this has been done. That confirmation can either be emailed to me at this address, or by post to [my home address].
I should also point out that these calls are NOT coming from the retailer where I bought my phone, as the phone was bought from O2 online. They may be incompetent, but they don’t tend to sell sales calls on to their competition. However, on the face of current evidence, I can well believe that such a tactic would fall within T-Mobile’s levels of competence.
I look forward to your response, and confirmation that my details and numbers have been removed from T-Mobile’s lists.
You remind me a little of my flatmate – she once got charged for a text message she didn’t send, or something, so she called them and spent so long screaming at them on the phone they ended up giving her free calls for life if she please just hung up and never contacted them again please please