Printable Version

Well, sorting out that printer friendly css style turned out to be a total piece of piss.

And yes, Pix, there’s no fixed size on the text, should someone want to increase it at some point.


4 Comments on “Printable Version”

  1. David says:

    Nice job. However, there seems to be a rather large gap between the banner stuff and the first post (at least, in both IE and Opera on Windows).

    Out of interest, why did you decide to keep the “navigation” stuff (and the colour-scheme) in the printout?

  2. Lyle says:

    Because that’s how WP does it on this site…

    My printer-friendly CSS was for a client’s site,and took about five minutes. Oh, and no, it doesn’t have the navigation on it! *grin*

  3. David says:

    Ah, I see, sorry. I thought, when I read the previous post about this, that you were intending to do printer-friendly CSS files for your client and for D4D — I didn’t realise WordPress came with a default one. 🙂

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Printable Version

Oooh, new geeky challenge. One thing that came up at a meeting yesterday was how one client’s website doesn’t print out nice and neatly, and instead it lags over the page margins by a just-noticeable amount. So over this week I’m going to come up with a couple of “printer-friendly” CSS files for that client and another couple that could do with it.

I’d not really thought about doing this ’til now, but it should be an interesting little side-project. Conveniently it probably also won’t take long- always a good thing!

2 Comments on “Printable Version”

  1. pixeldiva says:

    Just make sure you don’t fix the font sizes so that folk who want large print can have it.

    [/accessibility nag] 🙂

  2. David says:

    I like printer-specific CSS files in principle, but I wish that browsers had a way of not using them too. What if I do want to print out exactly what I see on the screen? I’d have to take a screengrab (or possible a number of ‘grabs and stitch them together). Although come to think of it, there’s probably a Firefox extension which can do that. Can someone else Google, I’m far too busy… 😉

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