Posted: Tue 15 March, 2005 Filed under: Health 2 Comments »A couple of weeks back, I went to the local GP to sign up and sort out my basic details. At the time I also said I’d like to see a doctor about getting my thyroid function tested, as there’s a family history of it, blah, blah, showing some signs of it being a factor, blah blah.
I finally got to see the doctor this morning, and all went well. Ish. According to him, there’s no signs of thyroid mis-function (or whatever the word is), the patches of flaky skin around my eyebrows etc. aren’t really flaky, I’m not excessively warm (considering my reputation as a walking furnace, I raised my – flaky – eyebrows at that one) and that really I should be working harder to lose weight, not laying it at the door of thyroid malfunction.
Again, we’ll exclude the roughly 8,000 paces I do per day, the regular gym visits, and the Weightwatchers.
Anyway, I’m now booked for another visit to the doctors on 6th April for a blood test. Third time lucky, and all that cobblers.
That sounds to me like a “Can’t be bothered, fuck off and bother someone else” response to me :-/
“all that cobblers”
You might want to cut them out mate… although I do like a nice peach cobbler, with lashings of cream. Can you get that in Weight Watchers?
(says the bloke who doesn’t go to the doctor as all they keep saying is LOSE WEIGHT you FAT BASTARD – I’m paraphrasing of course, he actually called me an “overweight oaf” 😉 )