Posted: Tue 8 March, 2005 | Author: Lyle | Filed under: General, Thoughts, Work-related |5 Comments »Dear Lyle,
I’m sorry to be away today, but I really needed a break. The work stuff was really getting me down – there’s only so many SELECT statements and INNER JOINs that you can look at without needing a major break. As for that guff about the house you had in Manchester, and the landlord being an utter cunt, well I needed a break from that too.
In short while I think that moving was a bloody good idea, and the domestic side is working out really well, the job you’ve got is a shitbag at the moment, and we all need to step back and look at it properly. So that’s what I’m doing today. From bed. See you when you get home. Wish you were here.
Your Will to Live.
You’re such a tease. SELECTs and INNER JOINs huh? Take me now, big boy!
Incidentally, tickets for new dates for NIN? Did you get some?
New dates?
(From which you can take it that no, I haven’t)
That’s REALLY made me laugh. I know that feeling so well at the moment, too.
Awww, you poor bastard! Take a day off. How permanent is the new job?
I was at work ’til 8.00pm this evening trying to sort out an incredibly long HTML form and make it perfectly accessible. That was after a two-hour meeting, a frantic day and a headache the size of Mongolia. So I think I know how you feel.