TV stuff
Posted: Thu 3 March, 2005 Filed under: General, Reviews(ish) 3 Comments »No, TV as in Television, not as in Transvestism. Honest.
I’ve found Jamie’s School Dinners on Channel 4 really quite interesting so far. I like seeing someone with a passion for what they believe in trying to pass on that passion to others, and much as I loathe the lithping mockney twat, it’s obvious that he’s been shocked by what schoolchildren are being fed. It’s hard to imagine feeding kids on a budget of 37p per head for their entire lunch, and you can see why the lowest common denominator is what’s preferred. But Oliver’s attempts to improve the school diet make for interesting viewing, and it’s certainly thought-provoking. Particularly when you start thinking “Is that what I want to happen to my kids?”.
As for “Desperate Housewives, what can I say, I love it. OK, it’s not perfect, but there’s a decent slice of very black humour going through it – something that American dramas suddenly seem to be understanding far better. Six Feet Under, Sopranos, and several others have certainly raised the bar on this, and they’re getting better at it all the time. Housewives manages to combine funny bits with the dark side, and is acutely observed. I just find myself wondering whether they’ll sort it all out over the next six weeks, or whether everything will bleed over into Season 2. I suspect it will…
I saw Jamie at the Ilkley Literature Festival, and I have to say I was very impressed with his attitude towards empowering parents and getting the community involved with the school food issue. I’ve gotta say he doesnt annoy me like he does u lyle. Some of the recipies in his latest book are really quality. You can borrow it Lyle, read it and add it to ur booklist :p
As I commented at Naked Blog, he is obviously passionate and genuine, which is probably why he gets a bad press, all the nice guys do.
As for DH – go on, which is your fav?
It’s a right pain in the arse, all the good TV (CSI aside) is on Wednesdays now, and half of it clashes with the other half. Time to start downloading stuff from UKNova overnight, I guess.