
I was late in for work this morning – but that’s a rant for another day.

However, I sent an email in at about 8.30 telling them I would be late. At 11, just as I was coming in, I got a call from the Manager asking where I was.

Now, if someone was late – in an IT department, no less – wouldn’t YOU check your fucking email first? Yeah, me too.

2 Comments on “Delayed”

  1. Andy says:

    did daddy give him a job? sounds like he doesn’t know his arse from his elbow

  2. Richard says:

    You’re assuming that managers in IT departments are technically literate. In my experience there are a whole generation of IT managers that can bullshit all the buzz words in endless meetings, but if you had asked them to reboot a server or plug in a network cable they wouldn’t have a clue.

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