Thermal Muppetry

OK, so last night was fairly chilly – around the -6°C mark, which for this part of the UK is pretty chilly. Of course, for Sweden and Canada that almost counts as “summer”, but well, we’re not.

What does still surprise me though is the stupid things people do when it’s cold. As I’ve walked to work this morning (hey, it’s not that cold!) I’ve seen one guy destroy his windscreen by pouring boiling water on it to get rid of the ice. Thermal shock is a wonderful thing to behold. Particularly when it happens to someone else.

The other thing is that – were I that way inclined – I could’ve easily stolen four cars this morning. Not manky ones either – a Lexus L300, a Mitsubishi Shogun, an MR2, and an MG ZF. All of them had been left with the engines running to warm up/de-ice before their owners came back out of the house to a nice warm car. Or alternatively, to a space where their car used to be.

If you’re that much of a fanny that you can’t stand being in a cold car for a couple of minutes, buy a remote starter and all the gubbins. If you leave your car outside, with the keys in, while you go back to the house to stay warm then a) you’re a fanny, b) you stand a chance of getting your car nicked and c) you’re utterly uninsured for it. So not only are you a tosser, you’re a stupid tosser.

4 Comments on “Thermal Muppetry”

  1. Gordon says:

    Heh. Not sure if I’d have the balls but I’d have moved the cars down the road a bit and left them there, in fact just moving them 20 feet would be enough to make the point methinks.

    Have to admit that we do that, but then, we live in a cul-de-sac so not many passersby.

  2. Adrian says:

    Thermal shock was followed most likely by a more personal kind of shock. Snigger.

    In South Africa, sometime you don’t even need to leave you car for it to be knicked. Just putting the key in the ignition is enough.

  3. Adrian says:

    After an office discussion we decided that you should have opened the car doors locked them and then closed them again.

    The best bit is they probably would have thought they did it by accident and felt twice as stupid.

  4. Andy says:

    I’ve never actually done that before. A couple of weeks ago I had a car crash so my car is a bit mangled. A thought went through my mind, I could do that and HOPE that someone nicked the green pile of poo that used to be a fully functioning car. Then my bright idea was extinguished as fast as it arrived when I remembered, the bloody thing is stuck in my garage because the steering rack has snapped. It would take a mighty clever and patient car theif to nick my car but if he wanted to I’d let him.

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