Title Switcher – Revisited
Posted: Fri 11 February, 2005 Filed under: D4D™, Geeky 2 Comments »Well, I liked the title-switcher working and changing each day – that was kind of fun. However, I’ve decided I’m going to go one stage further and go for a random title line each time the page is reloaded. Yes, I’m bored – what on earth gave it away?
The changes may not take place today – but then again, it’s equally likely that they will. We’ll see.
Bored? Tell me how I can display a friendly date from MySQL in the midst of a set of returned table rows (currently just pulling it straight as “row[$2]” but that gives the big long icky MySQL format. 😉
Done, and it’s been emailed to you.
There’s lots of ways, either using the “explode” function in PHP, or taking the timestamp in as a string, then messing about with subtr functions to take it apart and do with it as you will.