Header Graphics

Well, I’ve finally got the date switcher working on the header graphic, as yesterday showed. It’s actually a dead easy bit of code, I’d just never got round to it.

So anyway – what other dates should I change the header graphic? Obviously d4d™’s birthday is on the list (or will be when I make the actual graphic, but hey, I’ve got ’til August) as is World AIDS Day (ditto).

But what others should be on the list?

2 Comments on “Header Graphics”

  1. Gordon says:

    Cripes where do you start, or more likely, where do you stop? There seems to be a SUMMATOROTHER Day every day. Yesterday was Holocaust Day, day before that Australia.. ohh never mind about that one.

    Why not pick days that are important to YOU?

  2. Lyle says:

    I intend to – but there’s always space for a few more. Once I’d figured it out, it’s just a simple switch statement to pick the right image…

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