
I have actually found a way to write posts for d4d™ while at work. The log-in problems with WordPress still exist, which is an utter cunt and no-one seems to be able to explain why it’s happening at all. Oh, and yes, the support forums are utterly abysmal.

Anyway, I realised that I can actually add in posts by the simple move of writing them directly into the database. I know my way round what WordPress does, and how it holds the data, so why not? And that’s exactly what I’ve done.

It’s not an elegant way of doing things – given the choice I’d much rather be doing it through WP’s front-end, just in case things go horribly wrong – but for now it’ll do as an alternative. Maybe that’ll change when WP releases a fix. But ’til then well, what the hell, if there’s stuff I want to write about during the day then I’ll do it this way.

Geeky, but true.

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