Posted: Sun 9 January, 2005 Filed under: General Leave a comment »Another bloody good journey – I could get used to this, if only I didn’t know it’ll never last. Four hours door-to-door, including a break at Some Services Close To The Edge Of Christendom™. They’re only known by such a long title because I can’t remember exactly where they were, or who ran them. Travelling is not good for the memory, nor for the IQ.
Two Three (my mistake) runs to the dump – and my (now ex) council should be shot for how bad their website is. Look under “dump” or “refuse site” and fuck all comes back. Look under “environmental center” and the story is the same. Look under “civic amenity site” and there we go, the tip I’d wanted to find. Now, why didn’t I think of it as a “civic amenity”? Because that’s not what they should be listed under, according to the e-government and APLaws projects! Twunts.
So now the move is half-complete. Most (if not all) of the high-value gubbins is now moved, thanks to Herself’s idea of hiring a mini combo van for the weekend, which made a lot of sense when it came to shifting stuff about. Far better than a Fiesta…
Next weekend it’s the joys of a high-side Transit or similar, for the big stuff. That’ll be fun then.