Less Massive
Posted: Sun 9 April, 2017 Filed under: Customer Services, Domestic, Gigs, London, Reviews(ish) Leave a comment »Well, that concert. It was good – it just wasn’t what was advertised.
As I said on Friday, it had been promoted as playing the whole of “No Protection”, with live dubbing. Which would’ve been fine, and was entirely what was expected.
Instead, while a fair amount of the album was played, there was also a lot of other new stuff, and really it was more of a normal/standard gig, rather than the presentation of a particular piece of work.
In fairness, if it had been promoted as “just” a Mad Professor gig, I’d have still got the ticket, and still gone to the gig. It’s just that it was promoted as one thing, and turned out to be something else.
I’ve got in touch with Archspace about it, and it’ll be interesting to see what their response is to the entire thing.
All told, I’m still glad I went. I just wish it had been what they’d said it would be.