Posted: Sat 9 August, 2014 Filed under: Bankruptcy, Cynicism, Domestic, Introspective, Thoughts 1 Comment »Since the bankruptcy – and to a slightly lesser degree beforehand – I’ve noticed that I have a tendency to stockpile things a little bit. Nothing hoarder-esque or anything, but just as a backup, a “just in case”.
I’ve noticed that I now tend to have that backup as being roughly a month’s worth of whatever.
For example,
- I could get by for a month on the food I have in cupboards, freezer etc. without needing to shop.
- I could manage on savings (already) for a month or so if jobs were to go tits-up. That’s bills and the domestic stuff – petrol would be slightly more of an issue, but only slightly.
It’s not an obsession, or even obsessive behaviour – it’s an awareness of what can happen, and protecting against it.
Just an odd thing I’ve noticed myself doing more.
Yes, me too 🙂
I think that many older people would tell you that they learnt to do it after the war. I certainly picked up the habit from my Grandmother. And it was exacerbated when I lived 24 miles from a large supermaket in the West Country for 10 years. And now, as I never quite know how I’ll feel from day to day, it’s good not to have to go food shopping if I don’t absolutely have to.
Nothing wrong with it, mind…