Ticketed – Update
Posted: Mon 10 April, 2023 Filed under: Customer Services, Cynicism, Driving, Milton Keynes, Pedantry 3 Comments »Following on from the post a couple of weeks ago about getting a parking ticket and the poor wording on the back of it, I got a response from Milton Keynes Council…
Thank you for bringing this to our attention. The wording on the back of the PCN was checked and this was an oversight on Milton Keynes City Council.
We have notified the Parking Contract Manager of this error and he has contacted the manager of the enforcement contractors, SABA to request this paragraph is amended as soon possible.
So somehow apparently no-one had noticed this error, and no-one else had written in to point it out. Which is kind of scary in and of itself…
Yeah, but, did they still uphold the parking ticket?
When you consider the proportion of the population that is now:
(1) Functionally illiterate despite 11 years of compuslsory education
(2) Non first language English speakers
(3) Totally uncaring about anything not currently in their social media feeds
(4) Aware that nothing they do has the slightest effect on Officialdom
is it really that surprising?
But, well done 🙂
Still awaiting news on the ticket itself. I should chase it up, as it’s a month today since I got it, and protested it.
Also, I’m noting the fine, fine example of Muphry’s Law in “Functionally illiterate despite 11 years of compuslsory education”! 🙂
My fingers don’t work the way they used to…