Credit Check

Since the bankruptcy, I’ve used a couple of free services – Credit Karma (which used to be Noddle) and ClearScore – to keep track of my credit score.  It’s always been interesting, seeing what things affect the score and what doesn’t.  (For example, moving dropped it by a good 150 points until I was verified on the new electoral roll and so on)

Part of those services is the alerting, that tells you when your record has been searched (either a soft-search or a hard-search, which have different effects on the record) which is also useful in helping to prevent scams – you’ll be told if someone has tried to create a new loan or bank account for you, for example. Obviously this is A Good Thing.

This week I got an alert from Credit Karma about a soft search of my record, which was a warning sign as I hadn’t done any credit searches or applications.

So I logged in to Credit Karma, checked the alerts and yes, there was a search there.

By Credit Karma.

So for some convoluted reason, they’d decided to alert me about the fact that they had themselves been doing a (fully expected) soft search.

Sometimes I just despair of these things…

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