Final Quarter

Somehow, we’re already nearly in the final quarter of 2016.  A lot has gone on this year, but yet again we’ve a dichotomy when it comes to time.  The year seems to have raced past, and there’s a feeling of not having done much. But if I list all the stuff I’ve actually done already, it’s hard to believe I’ve managed to fit all of it into that seemingly-tiny timescale.

In short, it’s all very odd.  I’m not complaining, but it’s still strange.


There’s a lot lined up for the remaining three months, but equally, there’s a bit more free time. I actually (currently) have a couple of free weekends! (And a weekend away by myself, which should be good)  I’ve still got some bookings to put in for December, but they can’t happen ’til the first week of October anyway.

What I’m hoping is that in this last section, I get to do some stuff that’s been lined up for a while, if only so I can get it all out of my head. Of those bits, the largest thing is my writing projects. I’ve started them, but I want to make more progress, take some time out and braindump things a bit – that’s the main goal of the away weekend next month, almost like a writing retreat for a couple of days.

There’s also the ongoing projects and interests of this year – finishing the year’s Solo Dining project and seeing more plays. I’ve got three or four lined up already, I’m not going to book any more – well, unless something spectacular comes up!

So yeah, plenty to do, but a bit of time to myself. Seems like a plan to me.

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