A Process of Re-assessment
Posted: Sun 7 September, 2014 | Author: Lyle | Filed under: 1BEM, Cynicism, Domestic, People, Thoughts, Work-related |2 Comments »This year has been absolute garbage on the job front. While I’ve never been out of work, I’ve had quite the selection of shitty employers, contracts and workplaces.
I don’t know if this is a developing theme in general, or if my quality control is currently shot to shit, but either way, it’s been making me think and reassess about whether I even truly want to stay in this industry of mine.
I’m not decided yet. Leaping out of this and into something else right now would probably be one of my dafter moves, and I know that. So I’m not going to bail overnight or anything like that. (Although that doesn’t stop me from thinking about other roles, easier jobs – or at least jobs I perceive as easier – and wondering about whether those changes would result in less stress or more)
I don’t know. I hope it’s ‘just’ been a shit year, and that whatever comes next will be something where I just enjoy it again.
Mind you, that was the plan/hope with this one – the stuff at interview made it sound really interesting and positive, things that were up my street and really positive. In fairness, the work itself *is* interesting, challenging, and new/fun. It’s just that the owner of the company in question is a lying, double-dealing ‘last minute dot com’ dick – which affects everything else.
Onwards and upwards, and we’ll see what comes next.
1. I don’t know/know of a single person, and I mean a single person who feels any differently about work/their employer. I fear it is a sign of the times.
2. You will never find another industry that (a) pays as well, (b) enables you to move so swiftly and easily from job to job.
3. I don’t know what the answer is, sorry. I’ve/we’ve been looking for it myself/ourselves for most of the summer…
Indeed – although I think there’s a subtle difference between