Another Place

Following on from yesterday’s post about my tolerance (or lack thereof) and ability to move on quickly, it will come as no surprise to regular readers that that’s exactly what I’ve done.

The previous place was just Not Good for me. As detailed elsewhere, the final straw was having a colleague who decided to talk about my work-based happiness to a friend of mine, outside of my presence, and in front of a table-full of other colleagues from the same work place.  And frankly that shit just isn’t on.  I truly don’t care what excuses were available – and admittedly I didn’t even hang around to find out what those excuses might’ve been.  I’d handed in my notice, which they refused to accept until I’d spoken to the person in question “to try and build a better working relationship from these issues”. That was when I thought it had just been a conversation with my friend.   But once I knew it had been done in front of other colleagues, well, fuck that.

As it was, I had an offer of a new job in hand – although I didn’t at the start of the week when I handed in my notice. It meant I could leave the old place on Friday, and start a new one this week.

So now I’m working in North London, and so far it seems like it’s going to be fun, with lots of challenges and stuff to do. Not earth-shattering per se, but enough of a challenge to keep me going, and to build bits of skillset for whatever comes next.

It’s a small company – the sort I prefer, truth be told – with no layers of management and bullshit to get in the way. That suits me just fine.

Obviously I’m only a couple of days in, but on first impressions it looks like things may actually work out pretty well. I certainly hope so.

3 Comments on “Another Place”

  1. Blue Witch says:

    You’re lucky that you work in a field where constantly moving on is the norm. I always wonder what percentage of people have to tolerate shit like this on a daily basis as they don’t have the ability/choice/bravery to get out.

    What did you actually say to the ‘extremely unprofessional’ person?

    And, if he knew you were so unhappy, then why wasn’t something done by him/others to address the issue, especially as you were a new employee?

    Some days I utterly despair about humanity.

  2. lyle says:

    Nothing got said to the douchebag- the discussion happened on the Thursday night, he was in on the Friday and I gave him every opportunity to talk to me directly. He then went on holiday for last week, so I didn’t get the chance (and neither did they)

    So he was presented on his return with my departure. And yes, I may have ‘accidentally’ named him in the ‘I quit’, as it also went to the Head of IT and my Line Manager (and the agency I got the job through) so everyone knew who was being referred to. Being a shit flows both ways, frankly.

  3. Margo says:

    Glad you were able to get out and to somewhere more congenial!

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