New Beginnings
Posted: Sat 1 September, 2012 Filed under: Bankruptcy, Domestic 7 Comments »Despite the bankruptcy now being (already) nearly a month old, today really is the new start of things.
I got paid yesterday – and a hearty hallelujah on that one – and it’s been a revelation, even “only” not paying off debt and interest, and in not then having to just juggle remaining money for the rest of the month.
There’s still a long way to go, but the beginning is looking good.
So glad it’s working out for you. Maybe you would like to tell all the people that keep turning up at my house that you have moved and fucked them over too.
Oh for fuck’s sake ‘Me’, haven’t you done Lyle enough damage? Leave the poor guy alone, stop checking up on him, posting snarky comments, and get on with your life. Clearly *you* can’t move on… I’d suggest some serious therapy for you.
Lyle – sorry. As you know, I rarely get annoyed, but your ex deserves serious spells. Feel free to delete.
Predictable as ever, you only know one side of the story BW. You might like to recall you got involved when Lyle split with Herself too. Maybe you will spot the common denominator one day. I would and have in fact pretty much moved on but, when you have debt collectors calling nearly everyday, it’s a little difficult to forget. Feel free to snipe back, you always do. M x
Well there’s no-one I’m aware of who think I still live in Suffolk, so feel free to give them my address. I know you have for others.
I’m not taking sides ‘Me’, and I am fully aware that there are always (at least) two sides to any situation. I also think that Lyle is fully aware of the patterns in his life and is working on thinking how things can be different.
However, what I find totally unforgiveble (and why I comment) is that you continually choose to keep checking up on Lyle here, and can’t resist making your presence known under such posts. That is not the reaction of someone who has moved on.
This is Lyle’s space, not yours.
Let it go… you can’t move on until you’ve lost interest in him.
I’d suggest that you put a notice in your front door saying that Lyle doesn’t live there any more, and the date he left. Then print some slips with his new address to give straight to any debt collector who calls. Don’t enter into dialogue with them.
[NOTE from Lyle : This comment arrived anonymously, and as such was flagged as spam. I checked it came from Herself, and it’s now been correctly attributed. No other edits have been made.]
BW a couple of things
I must admit that i find your absolute belief in this guy stunning. I take it that you have spent some significant time with him to find out whether this belief you have in him is at least justified. afterall i would not find this normal if you are basing this blind belief on this blog where he does not even identify himself.
Secondly i appreciate that this whole world wide web thing is quite a difficult concept for some people to understand. It bottles down to this. Everyone in the world can read it and as such can comment on it. If lyle does not like it then maybe he should not share personal information on it. It is not his space, it is a public forum.
3 just because you declare yourself bancrupt and write posts about how depressed you are and how not perfect for you does not excuse you from what you have done in the past and the people you have hurt. Maybe a sincere, honest, personal (by that i mean where you actually talk to the person) apology might be a start to the people whos lives he has shattered. Oh and some earnest restitution to make amend and start paying back money that he has borrowed/shafted from those he left behind in his trail of destruction might be good also. afterall bankcruptcy only deals with the professional creditors not moneys taken from personal relationships.
As a response to Herself’s comment…
1) The apology to Herself has been made. (and accepted)
2) I appreciate this world wide web thing is quite a difficult concept for some people, but actually yes, this is my space – bought, paid for, lock-stock-and-barrel. As such, my place, my decisions, my rules. I’ll publish comments when they’ve got a name to go with ’em – as I have here – but anonymous doesn’t cut it.
3) I’m not looking for absolution (good job really, considering the comments from someone purportedly in a caring profession) nor am I using or looking for excuses. Explanations, maybe, but I don’t hold out much hope on that score any more.