Changing Status
Posted: Fri 10 August, 2012 Filed under: Bankruptcy, Domestic, Finances, Thoughts | Tags: Finances 4 Comments »So, while D4Dā¢ was celebrating turning ten , my own life was getting changed too.
I spent the morning in county court (technically two county courts, but more on that in a minute) declaring myself bankrupt. It’s a huge decision, but it’s the right decision for me. I’ve been thinking about it for a couple of months, figuring out all the options (or lack thereof) and what they meant for me.
It’s been a tough ride, this year. I’ve lost a relationship with someone I really cared about (and still miss), moved house, and changed jobs – including one contract boffing out on me and costing me quite a bit of money, although that change meant I was available for the job I’ve got now, starting with a contract and going permanent. And of course all of those changes just kept on adding kicks to the finances.
I don’t blame anyone else, or put the responsibility for it at any door other than my own. I’ve tried balancing and juggling things all year – probably longer, if I’m honest – but it’s been getting harder and harder.
Anyway, today was the day. I’d checked with the Insolvency Service which court I needed to go to (I live pretty much halfway between the Bucks and Beds county courts) and they’d said Milton Keynes. So I got there, and they said I was in the wrong one, and needed to be in Bedford. Nightmare.
Anyway, Bedford court were really impressive, and it all went really smoothly in the end. I went through the process – scarily, they’ve had over 140 others this year already- and everything was signed and typed up within two hours.
I know there’s a long way to go yet, and this is just the first step. I know it’ll take time to get properly sorted – at least a year – but this is A Good Thing.
Shit. Scary stuff š I hope this marks the turning point with great things to come – you deserve it.
We’ve come close to bankruptcy some time ago and even that was incredibly stressful. We came out the other side, though it didn’t seem possible at the time. Only way is up š
If I know one thing about you, it’s that you are a stubborn son of a bitch so I’m pretty sure this won’t be a big set back.
Still scary and stressful stuff to go through of course, but I think you are right to look on it as a turning point and the chance to move forward again.
As ever, spare room in Glasgow if you want/need to get away for a couple of days.
Thanks, dude . I may just take you up on that one!
It is a turning point, and I think there’ll be a bit of a theme to some D4D posts over the next few weeks/months, but it’s definitely the best of the available options.
Glad things are moving on.
Sad you decided that that was the best/only way.